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I was the first to use a digital scanner for backglasses back in 1995.  I was originally producing these for warehouse purchases when a lot of backglasses were either broken or missing. While I found it easy to scan one, the resulting image was anything but desirable.  


All colors had to be color corrected and test prints produced to match the original glass colors correctly.  These files are from the original scans and the colors have not been filled in with a solid color.  This keeps the original silk screen look with the slight variations in color and texturing.  


While it was time consuming, it became a bit of a hobby for awhile.


These are from my personal collection and are the only ones available.


Because the prints were so beautiful, a lot of friends wanted to hang them on their rec room walls, so I added the Replay and Magic Screens into the prints.


These files can be printed at any commercial printer on white paper or a transparency.  Be sure to request non UV inks for the most bright and vivid print.  UV inks will produce a print that is only about 1/2 as bright.  I have never had a print fade in my house with the non UV ink.  


If you decide to use the print to make a backglass, I recommend printing on white paper, as it gives a more defused look when backlit.


Use a razor blade to cut out the screen and replay counter windows.


You will have to black out the parts you don't want light to shine through.  I just use black electrical tape on the back of the print.  


Place the print between 2 pieces of single strength glass, and slide it into your game.  Seal the edges with a little bit of silicone if you want.  


All this will take some experimenting on your part, but because you own the file, you can print as many as you like.  I also recommend having the printer print small test areas of the print so you can decide on the ink and paper type that works best for you.

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